Chris Brecht Persuasive Speech

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Ever since I was young I have wanted to be a doctor. Yes, I know high-expectations. I guess I’m that optimistic Asian oblivious to how difficult it really is to get into medicine. I just find science so fascinating. From the atoms that make up these cue cards those walls, your pen to the idea that one tiny strand of DNA can create another one of us. I envisioned a future dedicated to philanthropy. I wanted to put the sick onto a road to recovery. See the look on a patient’s face when I tell them they are cancer free. But, alas, Tony Abbott may just have torn this dream away from me when he decided to slash millions of dollars’ worth of funds from Australia’s science research, the climate change move and tertiary education. If Mr Abbott continues …show more content…

They took out money from universities, TAFE and secular schools and put it into religious training institutes. According to Matthew Knott from The Sydney Morning Herald, the government controversially announced that will be providing $244 million for a new school chaplaincy scheme. While uni students are forced to pay more and more for their courses, students from Sydney College of Divinity and Perth Bible College are receiving around $4000 of yearly fee money from the government. On top of this, Chris Pynes is advocating that schools hire only religious welfare workers. Do you see the pattern here? The government is putting religion before science; the Church before State: conservative thinking over progressive thinking. i doubt even Christian tax payers would condone this. How did a modern western country come to elect the religious zealot we call Prime Minister in hopes that he would lead us to progression? He is inhibiting progression because he turns a blind eye to science, couldn’t care less about your children’s education and calls climate change “absolute crap”. I bet a $100 Tony Abbott is actually the Inquisition disguised in a suit and tie and our fellow Australian scientists are the Galileos of the 21st century. Mr Abbott talks all about building ‘a strong, prosperous economy and a safe, secure Australia. Ok so what… are the combined prayers of all these new priests going to ensure us a strong economy and secure Australia? I don’t know about you but to me this whole thing seems like a massive joke. Countries with economies in much worse shape than ours are investing more heavily in science than we are, because they recognise that research leads to a vigorous population, healthy environment and strong economy. But Tony Abbott’s diabolical scheme is to sweep Australia with his conventional way of thinking. Next thing you know he will be declaring that the sun goes

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