Children's Clothing In The 1980s

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Have you ever wanted to know what fashion was like thirty years before? Have you ever wanted to go back in time looking at what people wore in their daily live? To find this out, you can research fashion icons, celebrities, and books. 1980s fashion changed fashion and shaped our modern fashion looks today.
Children Clothing in the 1980s changed children’s fashion forever. For example, In the book, Society’s Child, Rubenstein talks about two main categories in children’s clothing in the 1980s which were sports-inspired clothes and fashionable looks (Rubenstein, 243). This shows that sports took a big part in clothing during this era. This also indicates that parents wanted to dress their children fashionable during this time instead of letting …show more content…

For example, Paula Reed speaks about how celebrities took a big part of fashion during this time (Reed 25). This shows that celebrities were viewed more than just people during this decade. This also shows that whatever fashion trend celebrities set off would flow into the public. For example, Paula Reed says, “Boy George’s distinctive was part showmanship, part radical statement” (Reed 76). This shows that Boy George was a fan of fashion during this period. This also shows that he had a radical statement in his clothing that drew fashion designers and fans of his closer. In addition, Paula Reed describes Boy George as being very influential in fashion and style during the 1980s (Reed 76). This shows that Boy George was popularized not only because of his singing but also because of his looks. This also shows that Boy George liked fashion and that people looked up to him for that reason. Celebrities had an immense influence in 1980s fashion looks that led to contemporary fashion …show more content…

For example, the editors of “Karl Lagerfeld Biography” say that Karl Lagerfeld a star in fashion during the 1980s and that he was one of the most acclaimed fashion designers in the world (“Karl Lagerfeld Biography” 1&2). This shows that Lagerfeld was very much popularized and well known in the 1980s. This also shows that he has made beautiful works to be called on of the most acclaimed fashion designers in the world. In addition, editors of “Giorgio Armani Biography” explain, “During the 1980s, wearing Armani became a symbol of success for many business professionals” (“Giorgio Armani Biography” 2). This shows that Giorgio Armani’s clothing was expensive because not many people had it. This also shows that Giorgio Armani’s brand name was a luxury brand name and that not all could afford it. For example, Paula Reed describes Rei Kawakubo, a famous fashion designer, having a “post-apocalyptic” style (Reed 40). This shows that she stood out from other fashion designers during this time and age. This also reveals that Rei Kawakubo had a unique style and was much different from the rest of popular designers during the 1980s. These designers led 1980s fashion to be so well known and popular

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