Children Left Alone

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In the book Lord of the Flies, there are little kids left alone on an island. As you can imagine things take a turn for the worst. Kids get killed; they are turning on each other, and turning native. The boys didn’t realize what their actions caused on the island, and it was sad because kids get killed. A lot of things go wrong on the island, but there are the top three reasons why. The things that go wrong on the island are that they are all boys, there is no form of government and there are no adults.
First of all, in the book Lord of the Flies things take a bad turn on the island because there are no adults. The book starts off without you knowing how the boys got on the island so you never really know why it’s all boys and why there are no adults. This role plays a big influence on what happens during the book. In the book, the boys loose all of their manners and go completely native which causes a lot of issues. If there were adults on the island they would keep their manners. Since there are no adults the boys get to make their own rules, are at first th...

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