Childhood Apraxia Research Paper

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September 14, 2011 was a very special day. My parents had been trying to conceive another child for 4 years, and it had finally happened. At the time I was 10, and I did not understand why our parents wanted another child. I was still trying to deal with my other two siblings, and now I would have to deal with three. My sister, Avery, was stoked at the thought of another sibling. She dreamed and prayed that it would be a baby girl. She was sick of trying to bribe me to play dolls with her, and needed a new companion to force into Barbie games. My brother, Brody, had no idea what was going on till my parents brought home a baby. He was the most oblivious 6 year old on the planet. My dad was the most excited. My mom and dad were unable to conceive …show more content…

My aunt Cassie had had a baby around the same time as Ben. When compared to my new cousin HayLee, Ben was progressing a lot slower. My mother and father had finally agreed to take Ben to a doctor. After numerous test, the doctor informed my parents that Ben has Apraxia. Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder. Children with CAS have problems saying sounds, syllables, and words. This is not because of muscle weakness or paralysis. The brain has problems planning to move the body parts needed for speech. I didn’t understand any of this till I was about 14. I just remember walking in on my mother kneeling at her bed praying and crying. It was hard to watch her in this stage. My mom didn’t know how to handle this situation handed to her. It was rough for our whole family. As I watched Ben try to communicate with his cousins and friends, all I wanted to do was scream. I had vowed to make sure Ben was always happy, and now I had to watch him get rejected by his peers. The worst part was that there was nothing I could do. My parents had raised us to turn to God when we are facing trials, but all I could do is question

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