Charter Of Rights And Freedom Essay

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The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was enacted under the Pierre Trudeau government on April 17, 1982. The charter of rights and freedoms is an important piece of written law in the Canadian constitution. where every person in Canadian society became free in choosing the life and peoples desired under the law. The rights and freedom of people in Canada is protected under the Canadian charter of rights and freedom, it was entrenched into the constitution as part of the Constitutional act of 1982. The government is guided by the Charter when making laws and the court is guided by the Charter when applying laws. It has also provided an entire new identity to the nation and became the symbol of freedom and equality. Charter of rights and freedom has also shown great influence in the Canadian society by affecting the way people are governed and how politics is carried out. It has also brought a society of equality, unity and justice as well as, …show more content…

These peoples have received majority of rights from this constitution. For example, the case Calder et al. versus. B.C attorney general(1973), this happen before the Canada added charter to the constitution. In these case Frank Arthur Calder and the Nisga'a Nation Tribal Council brought an action against the British Columbia government that aboriginals were entitle to some land in British Columbia . However, the Court was split on whether the claim to land was valid, but however court later dismissed the appeal and ruled against Calder and the Nisga’a Nation tribal council which saw them lose the case. These case show us that no matter what kind of peoples you are government is going to look after you if you speak out loud. Also in past aboriginal women who married the non- status Indian lost their status lost their status while men who married people with non-status peoples remained as Indian which will also effect the status of their

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