Charlie's Decision In Flowers For Algernon By Daniel Keyes

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Shouldn’t all people have the same rights and choices in life? Charlie was put under a huge decision, whether or not he wanted to have surgery to be smart. Charlie is mentally disabled and has lots of problems. In the book Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, Charlie is put through a series of test and exams to decide if he was the right candidate to go under a procedure to triple his intelligence. When Charlie is chosen he is given the ultimate choice to decide if he really wants to go on with the surgery. I think Charlie made the right decision in becoming smarter and undergoing the surgery. Ever since Charlie was told he could become smarter he wanted it. Charlie tried as hard as he could to be smart without the help of the surgery. He would go into each exam and try to understand what each meant and did. When he raced Algernon for the first time he thought it would be easy as he realized that is was actually hard for him. Charlie kept losing to the mouse, but he kept trying to understand why. Until his mind came to a simple solution saying that the mouse was just very smart. With the rorschach test his brain couldn’t understand what he was supposed to do. He came to another …show more content…

He was always nice to the scientist and his “friends” at the factory. What he got in return was disturbing. He was made fun of for his disability. He was made fun of for the way he talk and how oblivious he was to most situations. He couldn’t comprehend people being mean to him he thought they were laughing with him but in reality he was just a joke. Charlie didn’t deserved to be laughed at and made fun of and to understand what was really going on he needed to become smarter. If he didn’t he would’ve gone the rest of his life thinking everyone was his friend no matter how poorly he was treated because he would always think of it as a joke. Without being smart he would be forced to live his life in a narrow point of

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