Charlie Chaplin Research Paper

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Charlie Chaplin
In 1913, Charlie Chaplin discovered himself in a made up character named the "Little Tamp" ("Charlie Chaplin"). This character was entirely created by Chaplin himself. Charles Chaplin, Jr., Chaplins first son, said of the Tramp, “It was just released whole from somewhere deep within my father, it was really my father’s alter ego, the little boy who never grew up: ragged, cold, hungry, but still thumbing his nose at the world" (Brody). Chaplin somehow managed to utterly relate himself to the "Little Tramp" merging the two as one. His first appearance as the"Little Tramp" happened to be in the silent film, Kid Auto Races at Venice. He then moved on to become one of the greatest stars of the silent film era. ("Charlie Chaplin Bio..."). Before his huge break through in the world of Hollywood, Chaplin endured some serious obstacles in his life. Despite his rough past and chaotic life, today he is remembered as an incredible comedian, actor, writer, director, and producer.
Charlie Chaplins childhood created the foundation to his successful future. His birth name was Charles Spencer Chaplin, however he would later go by the name Charlie Chaplin. He was born on April 16th 1889 in London, …show more content…

After the "Little Tramp," Chaplins next big project was a movie that ridiculed the government of Hitler and Mussolini. Ironically, in 1940 Chaplin produced, directed, and acted in his film, The Great Dictator. During the release of the film the world was at war and peace within one a other was no where to be found, Chaplin took a stand and said "I want to see the return of decency and kindness… I'm just a human being who wants to see this country a real democracy” ("Charlie Chaplin Bio..."). During a time where America was run by fear and uncertainty, Chaplin managed to shed light on the issues and speak for the entire

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