Charge Of The Light Brigade Essay

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“The Charge of the Light Brigade” is a poem to celebrate the bravery and honor of the heroic soldiers who surrendered themselves to a greater cause. Throughout the poem Tennyson draws the reader to notice their courage, discipline, and willingness to trust in their commanders. The soldiers of the light brigade, knowing that their lives are in danger and might end soon, nevertheless follow their commander’s orders and charge at the enemy at the end of the valley. The mission is important and necessary for the success of the British campaign and these men take on all the artillery fire from all sides to follow through with their commander’s orders. Tennyson states clearly that this behavior deserves honor, and that the fame of these soldiers …show more content…

Russia was expanding into the Danube region, which is now today Romania. The Danube region was under the Turkish control. Therefore, Turkey declared war on Russia in 1853. The French and the British entered in March 1854 due to the fear of the Russian expansion. They feared Russia would soon begin continuing pushing down, and then eventually try to expand into British India through Afghanistan. During the upcoming years to the war, France, Russia, and Britain were all fighting for the influence in the Middle East, but mostly with Turkey. Religious differences definitely played the biggest role in the Crimean War. The access to religious sites in the Holy Land caused most of the tension between Catholic France and Orthodox Russia for many years. Russia made an issue of the fact that the holy sites of Christianity such as The Crimean War was one of the first battles to use modern explosive naval shells, railroads, and telegraphs. The war was one of the first to be documented extensively in written reports and photographs. As the legend of the "Charge of the Light Brigade" demonstrates, the war quickly became an iconic symbol of logistical, medical and tactical failures and

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