Characteristic of Ralph

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Winston Churchill, the former Minister of the United Kingdom, once said “Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.” In the book Lord of the Flies by William Golding, there are many important characters who express traits that guide them in survival. One of the most important main characters is Ralph. He is determined, hard-working, brave, powerful, and intelligent. These traits are very crucial for a person to have in order to survive tough mental and physical times. One significant trait that Ralph has is he is determined. Ralph is determined to be rescued from the island. He does everything in his power to keep a fire going on the island so that smoke from the fire will get the attention of a plane flying above it. “I was talking about the smoke! All you can talk about is pig, pig, pig!” (54). While all of the other boys on the island are trying to catch a pig, Ralph is trying to get them rescued from the isolated island. The boys’ first priority is finding food for them, whereas Ralph wants to get help as soon as possible. He is determined to be rescued, even if it means that he will be hungry. Despite the physical aspects of the island, Ralph and a few other boys still explore. “The difficulty was not the steep ascent round the shoulders of the rock, but the occasional plunges through the undergrowth to get to the next path…somehow, they moved up” (26). Ralph is an athletic bow who uses his athleticism to his advantage. He is very physically prepared for survival, and that is clearly shown throughout the whole book. His sporty, healthy life comes in handy when trying to survive. Another positive quality that Ralph has is he... ... middle of paper ... ...em. Of course, the huts would not be very sturdy because he did not have the proper materials, but the shelters helped them survive. Ralph is a very crucial element to the boy’s survival. Without his hard work and dedication, the boys might have died. He is a determined, intelligent person, and he is very important in this novel. In order to survive tough times, someone must have special characteristics. Ralph has many traits that help him survive. Some of his qualities are the following: determined, brave, intelligent, powerful, and hard-working. These traits are displayed very vividly throughout the novel. Ralph is very determined to be rescued. He is brave for himself and the other boys, and is uses his knowledge to help. He is a very powerful individual while on the island because he is the leader of the group, and he is an overall hard working person.

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