Character Sketch of Miss Brill in Katherine Mansfield's Miss Brill

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Everyone has been lonely once in their lives; when a person is lonely they can begin to exhibit strange behaviors, they can become paranoid, hallucinate, or project inner thoughts into their realities. Most people who are lonely usually live alone and prefer to be a closed off from the outside world. In Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield, she shows her loneliness by using others peoples lives for her enjoyment, for thinking she and everyone else was on a stage, also by snapping to reality when treated with cruelty. However, not having any companions, such as, friends and pets could also cause loneliness. When you’re not in tune with the outside world, your mind wanders, you make up things to fill in the gaps or the realities of the world. Mansfield shows us how feelings can lead to the unthinkable.

Miss Brill is an older lady who pulls out her fur every Sunday and goes out to the park; she sits on her “special seat” and listens to other peoples conversation and what they reveal about their lives to entertain herself. “ She believed that she had become quite an expert at listening...

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