Reflections on Duncan's Death: Banquo's Viewpoint

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Banquo’s reflections
(Says good bye to guards at the gate) Typically I don’t leave the party this early (chuckles) but nearly everything has changed in the last few days, why not this too? I mean the Thanes have been juggled around like a jester with balls, Fife just hasn’t been the same since King Duncan died (depressed) or I guess just Duncan now. (reminiscent) He wasn’t the greatest king to have ever lived but he wasn’t a bad king. How could anyone knowingly take his life, let alone his own guards. Some believe it isn't that black and white, I've heard many whispers of people accusing Malcolm and Donalbain but... why would they want Duncan out of the picture? Donalbain made it extremely clear to me that he does not wish to ascend to the throne, and Malcolm loved his father far too much for him be overcome by greed. (Laughs) Beside if they were trying to over throw the King, that has obviously worked about as well as horseless carriage, I mean, Macbeth is our king now. Also, it’s hardly shocking they ran once they heard of their Father's death, they're smart enough to realize people would accuse them and I believe they liked having their heads attached to their bodies. …show more content…

why be so stupid? But that makes no sense... if neither of his sons murdered Duncan and his guards didn’t do it who did? (having a revelation) Unless... it was... Suicide? No, how would the Daggers be planted and why would Duncan frame his guards. The only other person it could have been is

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