Character Changes In Macbeth's Tragic Hero

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Macbeth is a very complicated character due to the various role changes throughout the play .Macbeth fought honorably against invading forces that were trying to take over Scotland. His leadership role was short lived, because he did not know his fate and made many mistakes. Macbeth doubted his future and had a few witched to predict his future by giving hints on what misfortune was lurking around the corner. A flashback of Macbeth life revealed his many hardship and accomplishments. He also had to take revenge on his enemies in order to feel safe in his town. Macbeth had many prophecies to reveal danger that was out to assassinate him, but nothing could save him from his destiny; death. Macbeth’s tragic hero flaws lead him to become a dictator for a short time; as a result he was quickly removed from power by the Scottish people. With the wounded path he made for himself, his early fall from power was predicted by the witches. Macbeth’s wounded actions ended with him having to fear for his own life, as thousands in Scotland wanted him dead. Macbeth was aware that his evil deeds would lead to people wanting payback. The three witches told him to be bold and fearless, that no man could defeat him, and that he will never be defeated until the trees of Great birnam would attack Dunshine. “If chance will have me king, why chance may crown me, without my stir” (Act 3). Macbeth was hoping he will not have to do anything dangerous to become king, but became a killer to reach his goal. …show more content…

Macbeth is a tragic hero who destroys himself by his own wicked and selfish ambitions. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth portrayed as a courageous, noble of Scotland who had bravely won the war. “Stars hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires.”(Act 5) Macbeth wanted to kill Duncan to become king, but wanted to make Duncan death look like an

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