Character Analysis: The Yellow Wallpaper

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The woman who describes her life in the short story, “The Yellow Wallpaper”, appears to have schizophrenia. She exhibits several pronounced criteria for schizophrenia including disorganized thoughts, hallucinations, and aberrant thought. At the beginning of her writings the author appears to be in the prodromal phase as initially her symptoms are subtler and it even appears that the symptoms may be related to recovering from childbirth. She stays in her room and is not eating well or caring for herself. Her husband John urges her to take care of herself. He is concerned about her and has brought her to country house to recover. She appears depressed and exhausted. Her negative symptoms include her inability to function in any sort of normal …show more content…

She will write normally for a few sentences and then sip into aberrant content of thought. She becomes paranoid about the wallpaper and comes to believe that a woman is living in it and comes out of it. As a child she was very imaginative and spent hours personifying furniture. As she writes about her life and daily thoughts her writing voice is flat and unemotional. She is easily distracted and has attentional deficiencies. She is hypervigilant and experiences sensory overload while looking at the wallpaper. When she hallucinates she not only has visual hallucinations but olfactory hallucinations. At the end of the story she tears the wallpaper off the room and everything in the room is removed. She locks herself in and throws away the …show more content…

She was receiving treatment. Unfortunately, schizophrenia is not easily treated and there is not cure. Romechia may have stopped taking her medicine or altered her dosage and while this could have been what caused her break with reality, it seems cruel to punish her behavior. While she is responsible for her own self-care, one of the symptoms of schizophrenia is the lack of ability to do this. For me, the question revolves around the other adults who were involved in Romechia’s life: her therapist, her mother, the neighbors, and even those who were at the park. This happened in a public place, surely someone saw what was going on and chose not to act. We as a society, are not doing enough to help those suffering from mental illnesses. We are letting children like Ji’Aire fall through the cracks. Simms was unable to care for her son. There had to be indications of this long before his death. Her rehabilitation will now include not only her mental disorder but the death of her child. She needs grief counseling. She needs to be admitted to a mental health facility and that is a reasonable consequence for her inaction that caused the death of her child. If she chooses to have another child, it probably should be removed from her care. She has shown that she is incapable of caring for a

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