Character Analysis Of Jeannette Walls In The Glass Castle

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In the novel, The Glass Castle, the protagonist and author, Jeannette Walls faced many challenges at a very young age. However, everything she went through resulted in her learning a variety of life lessons. Jeannette learned that with perseverance and self sufficiency, she could achieve whatever she set her mind to. Because of the circumstances that Jeannette dealt with, she became independent very quickly. As a toddler, Jeannette had already become more self-reliant than most teenagers. At the age of three, Jeannette was severely burned while making hot dogs for herself. After being questioned at the hospital by various doctors about why and how Jeannette had been burned, she replied “Mom says I’m mature for my age and she lets me cook for …show more content…

When things became difficult in her life, Jeannette always persevered and tried to stay positive. For instance, when Jeannette, Lori and Brian had been saving up money for almost nine months, they came home one day to a broken piggy bank and all of their money, gone. They knew that their father had to have done it, and they couldn’t believe he did. Although “Lori felt too defeated,” Jeannette “started saving again.” She got past what her father had done, and only looked forward. She worked even harder, babysitting whenever she could. Jeannette had such a positive outlook on life and was determined to make up for what had happened. She persevered and worked as hard as she could to make New York a possibility. Her dedication in spite of the obstacles shows true character. Jeannette, not only persevered, but also had to make do with what she was given. Since her family didn’t have a constant source of money, Jeannette learned to use her resources wisely. She knew she had crooked teeth, so she wanted to get braces. She believed she had enough money to pay for them herself, but when she was informed that they cost twelve hundred dollars, she “decided to make her own braces.” She used a coat hanger and rubber bands, and surprisingly, it worked. Jeannette went to the trouble of building her own contraption to fix her teeth, just so she wouldn’t be a burden to her family. She showed

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