Essay On And Then There Were None

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Death: the action or act of dying or being killed. In the novel, And then There Were None, by Agatha Christie, many horrific events occurred. Christie created a world where one unknown killer was the cause of ten murders, including himself, and hid his identity by lurking around in the shadows of the famous Soldier Island, killing one victim after another. Here today in this special interview, will be Miss Vera Claythorne, Mr. Philip Lombard, and Mr. Justice Wargrave. These three characters are all very unique in this novel and portray many different characteristics. They all struggled with their own problems how they saw best fit and of course fought their battles to the best of their abilities. Although many may not truly embrace the feeling, …show more content…

An example to this may be how Mr. Philip Lombard, throughout the story, is one of the hostages’ main “detectives” in charge of figuring out the murderer’s true identity and trying to keep everyone as calm as possible. It was like he enjoyed being in charge and holding this power over everyone’s head. However, in the end of this journey, he still couldn't solve the questions he was hoping to answer. When questioned about his stay on Soldier Island and his “leading position,” Lombard responded by revealing his side of the story. “My stay at Soldier Island was not like the usual. I never would have expected to be an asset of such a brutal murder case. Of course, being a part of every search party truly helped calm the nerves, since I couldn't trust anyone but myself and I liked doing the research myself. Few were actually willing to step up to the challenge so it also made it easier for me to maintain too.” This proves how Lombard may have liked being a part of the mystery, as well as solving it, while many others refused to comprehend and accept the situation. While others were cowering away, Lombard stepped up to the plate and did what he had to …show more content…

For example, Mr. Justice Wargrave was the mysterious mastermind behind Soldier Island and the one responsible for all the murders that had occurred. He fooled everyone around him, successfully and unfortunately, giving him the perfect opportunity to complete his horrid tasks. We have an exclusive interview with Mr. Wargrave revealing his true motives behind this whole scheme. He explained how he had to commit a murder—but not just an ordinary one. He needed something out of the ordinary that would forever be remembered. “I wanted something theatrical, impossible! I wanted to kill…Yes, I wanted to kill…” This shows how despite completing the “impossible,” Wargrave had a truly brilliant mind to help him accomplish this

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