Chapter Summary: The Giver

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“I’m the New Receiver in training?” asked Liliana.
“Yes you are, and I’ll be training you,” said Jonas weary and tired.

Jonas had become the New Receiver. 20 years ago he was running away trying to let his community have all the wonderful and infamous memories, that he and the Giver only held. But Jonas at the last minute changed his mind, he thought of the anguish and pain they would receive. So he decided to make his way back and somehow he survived and was immediately taken to the area, where they do release. But during the Committee of Elders state Jonas’ wrongdoings and traitorous actions. It is abruptly stop, by everyone turning their head facing, The Giver.
“Stop!” yells the Giver. Jonas could see the torment and anguish on his face, not wanting Jonas to be released or how he sees it death. …show more content…

As the Giver was walking towards his illiterate doom, he whispers “Did you put Gabriel in the house,”
“I did,” Jonas whispers back. Jonas didn’t want anyone to have the memories he held because he didn’t care for it anymore, but he had hoped that Gabriel will start a new and better world that what they in today. During the time Jonas is processing his thoughts he turns his attention to the Giver, as he just entered the door and sat in the chair where they do releasing, for traitors. Before the Nurturer puts the strong, needle-pointed stainless steel syringe, he says his last

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