Champion Of The World By Maya Angelou And Fish Cheeks By Amy Tan

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Champion of the World by Maya Angelou and Fish Cheeks by Amy Tan Narration and description are important literal devices that can be used in expanding the plot of a story. Different authors employ these devices differently to achieve a variety of goals. Narration and description can be used to paint a picture of what the situation was. Through these devices, the audience can get a better view of what the author is trying to describe. The use of narration and description enhances a reader’s experience and makes it easy to relate what the author is trying to express using the literature device. In Champions of the World, Maya Angelou makes use of narration and description in various parts of the story. Vivid descriptions enhance the reading experience …show more content…

The first paragraph is used to describe Robert’s appearance in a way that one can easily picture how he looks like. It is easy to picture the blond hair, the very slim American nose and the very white nature of Robert. Tan goes ahead to describe how noisy his relatives are and how she was scared they would embarrass her in front of Robert of Christmas day. She was scared that being Chinese would be embarrassing in front of the minster’s American family. She was also afraid that the Chinese food that her mother served would not be as good as the American food the minister’s family was used to. In one of the paragraphs, Tan vividly describes all the food that her mother was preparing for Christmas. This description is so vivid that one can easily get a picture of how messy the kitchen was. The narration of how dinner went is also very dramatic and demonstrates how her Chinese family differed from the American family. From the narration, it is clear that there was a discord between the way of eating between the American family and Tan’s Chinese relatives. When Tan’s father offered her the fish cheeks, the embarrassment is evident from the description given by Tan (Tan 117). The embarrassing nature of the dinner continues to be described when Tan’s father belched out loudly as a sign of being satisfied. While in the Chinese culture this was thought to be a polite …show more content…

However, Amy Tan employs these literary devices more effectively than May Angelou. First, when talking about narration and description, Tan tells the story from her own perspective. The constant use of ‘I’ indicates narration and an exploration of what is happening around her. All the happenings in this story are from Tan’s perspective and the audience can really relate to this. In Maya Angelou’s story, a reader is often interrupted from narration and description by dialogue. In fact, it seems that dialogue as a literary device has been used more than narration and description. Secondly, while Tan is describing other people’s reaction, Angelou presents a dialogue that passes the message. For example, before the match begins, there is dialogue where different people are voicing their opinions about the fight (Angelou 111). This is not presented in prose form but in quotes, with the character being named at the end. In Tan’s story, almost every paragraph is narrated with descriptions here and there. For example, in the second paragraph, Tan makes use of narration to explain of how she felt when she learnt that Robert and his family would be coming to visit on Christmas (Tan 116). She vividly describes her emotions indicating that she cried when she heard this news. This kind of narration makes it easy to read and understand how she felt isolated from the dominant

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