Censorship in American Schools

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Censorship in American Schools You may not realize this but our government plays a large role in governing what sort of information America’s children are exposed to. The average American child receives the majority of their knowledge and education from school, so the information that is allowed to be taught is a very delicate and controversial issue. Literature is often altered or banned from public schools and libraries because they contain of vulgar language, excessive violence, or connotations of drugs and sex. The reasoning behind this is that these are potentially dangerous ideas, and if children were to be exposed to them that they would be corrupted and manipulated by them. There is a contradictory school of thought on the subject which says that censorship itself is a form of manipulation, and is a greater evil than anything a student might learn in a book. The problem is that Censorship does not allow children to reason and think for themselves. They are not given free choice to decide on what is or isn’t moral behavior, it is decided by a higher power. This speech will explore both sides of this matter in a factual, unbiased manner, so that you may decide for yourself an opinion on the issue. What does the law say on matters of censorship in schools? The most recent Supreme Court Decision on the matter took place in April of 1983. Matthew N. Fraser a student at Bethel High School in Pierce County, Washington delivered a speech to his fellow class mates that contained several sexual metaphors and innuendos. Matthew was in turn suspended from school for three days. The issue of free speech was brought up, and the case was brought before the Supreme Court. The Court ruled in favor of the School, and the su... ... middle of paper ... ...hat sort of information that there child has access too, but they certainly shouldn’t have the right to regulate it for the rest of the children in the classroom. How can one censor know what is best for all children. Edward B. Jenkinson, the author of Censors in the Classroom writes that, “I do not think that a book or film should be thrown out because it offends the sensibilities of a few who may or may not have read the entire work. Our children should be free to think, free to challenge, and free to make their own decisions.” Conclusion : Hopefully now you have gained a better understanding about the role that censorship plays in America’s schools. It is a guiding factor that influences the minds of the future, and must be treated accordingly. The purpose of this speech is only to raise awareness about this issue, so that we can change it for the better.

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