Cause Of War: The Causes Of The First World War

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War can be an ugly thing. It’s always been around since ancient times up until the present. Throughout history war has never been able to cease, there have only been small periods of peace throughout the ages. War exists because of the greed of human nature and when someone or something, such as a monarch or an empire wants something war has usually been the go to answer. Greece for example, wanted to unite as a country instead of always fighting amongst each other as city-states. But, that didn’t happen until the neighboring country invaded them while they were fighting with each other, the invading land was known then as the Persian Empire. An individual of a different country shot the archduke Franz Ferdinand because he wanted a war, which Germany in response declared war on Serbia, leading to the First World War.
The causes of World War I are very well known there is a certain acronym I learned called M.A.I.N and it stands for Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism. Militarism is when a countries profit goes into the creation of a sturdy army and weaponry such as mor...

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