Cask Of Amontillado Point Of View Essay

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This essay is about the point of view of the narrator in The Cask of Amontillado, in this essay I will teach you how Montresor creates the dramatic irony within the story and how his point of view is ultimately unreliable and also explaining how the narrator described the story in a way that he is almost bragging.
For those who might not know, point of view refers to the narrator or whomever it is telling the story. There are many types of point of views whether it be first, second or third or even fourth all of which are able to change a story in whole which makes them all very unique. The way you properly analyze point of view is by breaking it into its sections, looking at the similarities between point of view and the story and things like whether or not the narrator is reliable or not and few other aspects that I'll explain within this essay.
The narrator in A Cask of Amontillado is Montresor, Montresor is a perfect example of an unreliable narrator because it is …show more content…

Poe was able to make a first point of view with the main character in the story who uses a strong sense of dramatic irony without ever disclaiming the sadistic act of the main character, which to me is far beyond my thought process when in come to creating and imaginary. A good example of this is when Montresor says "I had scarcely laid the first tier of the masonry" (431) now this in many cases would mean nothing by the quote but within the story he's describing the way he was hiding Fortunato body with details of what he was doing and the sounds around him but in portrayed in a way that he would never give up the actual actions that he was doing, but simply telling of the steps in which he was doing creating that sense of dramatic irony at cognitive

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