Case Study Design In The Internationalisation Process Of Nigeria

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Yin, (2014) explains the differences between various types of case study design such as holistic cases versus embedded cases is the unit of analysis and the context of this study is Nigeria of which the focus of the study are firms with Headquarters in Nigeria. With reference to Yin, (2014) the unit of analysis in case study could be individuals, organisation, process, relationship and there may be multiple units of analysis in an embedded case studies and a single unit of analysis in a holistic case study. An important part in the process of establishing a case study unit of analysis is to, first of all, define the case boundary. The case boundary, in this case, is the “Nigerian Firms” which is the focus of the investigation. Because the study …show more content…

Also, in a case study research, the unit of analysis will have an influence on the research questions and objectives. As a result, the key research questions and the unit of analysis for this study are identified as “the internationalisation process of emerging market multinationals” In the context of this study ‘the internationalisation process’ is regarded as process and this researcher’s aim is to study the internalisation process of Nigerian firms. Particularly on how Nigerian firms evolved and expand over time from being local firms to become international firms. The study intention is to develop both conceptual and theoretical frameworks from the research findings to achieve one of the research objectives as well as for both policy and social …show more content…

The first step and task in the data collection process were the identification of case firms’ the was done through the use of Osiris database linked to the University of Huddersfield library services. In the process, the criteria were defined for the database search of which the focus was on the firms with Headquartered in Nigeria having foreign subsidiaries in foreign countries. After the identification of the firms, the next step was to search through the Nigerian Stock Exchange website for all the listed companies and identified all the Nigeria companies that were listed with foreign Headquarters. Also, other firms with foreign sub diaries were also identified through personal contact and LinkedIn. As this author was busy designing the interview questions, she had also personally visited the Headquarters of Nigerian Stock Exchange Commission (NSE), Central bank of Nigeria (CBN), National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and Nigeria Investment promotion commission

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