Cartes's Theory Of Transstance Dualism Vs. Descartes

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Descartes states that the mind and body are two separate substances. I will argue against this claim for there are three reasons to not believe Descartes. The first reason is that we generally come to know things through our senses. Second, there is no empirical evidence to support other minds. Third, there is a close connection between the mind and the body. Descartes theory of substance dualism states that there is a difference between the mind and the body; your mental state is not affected by your physical state. He thought that there was no reliable method to acquire certain knowledge, and the state of the mind does not equal the state of the world. This drove him to search for certain knowledge; if we can know anything for sure. In …show more content…

However, the interaction between the mental and the physical is only one way. Given this argument, I will show how epiphenomenalism supports by argument against Descartes. Physical events can affect mental events, but mental events cannot affect physical events. This argument tackles the first problem with Cartesian Dualism, ‘How do the mind and they body interact?’. Physical occurrences can affect the physical makeup of the brain, or mental health, thus showing the influences that the body has on the mind. This is demonstrated though one of Jackson’s knowledge arguments, ‘What Mary Didn’t Know’. Qualia is someone’s own mental state. Therefor Mary’s qualia would have been different than someone else’s qualia. Because Mary was in a black and white room with only a black and white television for reference, she would only have physical information about colour; she lacks the experience. This physical information presented to her would have an effect on her mental events by giving her information about colour to alter her perception on what colour is. Essentially, her qualia had been modified by her physical experiences with the black and white room. When she does experience colour for the first time, this physical event of actually seeing the colour will alter her mental event; her qualia will still be different. Thus, her physical events and experiences are affecting her mental events, but her mental events are not affecting her physical ones. This argument shows that there is a close connection between the mind and the body; they are connected through the influences that the body has on the

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