Carol Oates's Short Story 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been'

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The Devil in Disguise In her short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been.” Joyce Carol Oates stages a life of a young teenager Connie who is your ordinary teenager who hates their family and dresses and acts altered which ends up being a disaster for her when she comes in contact with what looks to be a teenage boy but turns out to be something way different. “But all these things did not come together”. As Connie watches and listens to Arnold Friend. She can tell there's something inaccurate about Arnold. He wears the clothes and listens to the same music that boys listen too. Still it doesn’t feel right! Once Connie distinguishes Arnold’s physical age she is triggered to panic mode which changes Arnold’s sweet talk to threats. In the garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit they are persuaded by the serpent (Devil) to eat the fruit. Like the Devil who disguises himself to something less threatening which is exactly what Arnold proves he is a little demonic while performing this act. Perhaps the most satanic event of the story is where Arnold says “Aunt Tillie’s. Right now they’re uh—they’re drinking. Sitting around," he said vaguely, squinting as if he were staring all the way to town and over to Aunt Tillie’s back yard. This presents something like supernatural. Saying this with vast detail makes the …show more content…

Connie gives up as she observes herself push the door open and go out to Arnold putting up no fight. This is where you can see a girl cross the threshold from being a young innocence little girl who is forced to develop into a woman just without being actually touched. This is another illustration of how Arnold is showing his demonic character. Taking control of Connie outwardly being touched. When Connie is turning herself over to Arnold to make as sacrifice for her family. Just as Jesus had to give himself for another. Also as Jesus who had was pure, same with Connie to a certain

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