Caesar Vs Brutus

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“Someone should just stab caesar!”- Gretchen Weiners. And that is what cassius and brutus set out to do. The two men didn’t have much in common but they had a common goal, to kill julius caesar. Their similarities and their differences are what made their plan possible. Brutus being gullible and easy going made it easy for the cunning and persuasive cassius to persuade brutus that killing caesar was the right thing to do. Brutus and Cassius’ main goal is to get people on their side to kill caesar. One of their first recruits is Casca and Cinna. Cassius starts one of his rants about caesar being bad for Rome and how Caesar isn't any better than the rest of them. when the other men realize brutus is with cassius they decide to go with them because …show more content…

He knew that brutus wouldnt join him if he was the only creep wanting caesar dead. He thought up a plan that the easy going brutus fell for. cassius began throwing rocks with notes ll in different writing into brutus’ window to make it seem like more romans didnt trust caesar and wanted him dead. Brutus loved rome and he loved the people that he didnt really think twice about the notes and just wanted to stop caesar before he could ruin rome any further. After brutus thinks he can save Rome he doesnt question Cassius’ plan and goes on with killing caesar. The ever so persuasive cassius Gets all the conspirators to believe Caesar is the worst scum of rome. Brutus starts out thinking Caesar isnt that bad of guy. saying that he’s no better than Brutus and that Brutus is just as good a roman as Caesar. Brutus is like well yeah but as long as he doesnt become a tyrant leader it’s cool. When they hear about antony offering caesar the crown cassisu really gets going on his rants about we shouldnt fear caesar cause really he sucks and he almost drowned once and he sometimes foams from the mouth and so begins their journey into plotting and

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