Bystander Effect Essay

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The Bystander Effect
Bystanders should not have to risk their lives in violent situations. There are many scenarios we are placed in each day in which we have to make quick decisions in order to either help someone or help yourself. However, you should not have to risk your own well-being in an attempt to help protect someone else. There are several other ways you can help someone who is being attacked violently that do not include stepping in yourself. This is not to say however, that you should not help someone who is in danger, but if their attacker is clearly violent or has a weapon, you are better off using some sort of alternative to help them instead of attempting to be a hero.
While there have been many times where a bystander witnesses …show more content…

However, the problem is when no one does anything at all. There is a phenomenon known as “The Bystander Effect”, basically, what this is, is when an emergency is going on in front of a large crowd of people, everyone thinks that another person will help. Then, the next person believes someone else will help, and so on, until the situation has escalated and no one has actually done anything to help. This is a big problem that can fixed with simple teaching of information. People tend to freeze up when faced with violent crimes. A simple fix is to begin teaching people how to behave in these …show more content…

This may be the best thing to do in non-violent situations such as bullying on campus, but not in violent situations such as fights or attacks. You do not know the mindset of the attacker, you do not know if they are willing to do you harm as well. While you were trying your best to help the victim, you end up not only letting the victim be harmed, but you endanger yourself as well. Rather than putting your life endanger, let an authority know. This is always the best thing to do. Let someone who knows what they are actually doing, help. Do not let yourself become another victim just because you felt as if you could take down a violent

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