Business Admission Essay Sample

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In retrospect to my high school career, I believe that it has been the most significant learning experience of my life. This is because it was the place where, along with my household, I matured from a kid to a borderline-adult through a variety of life experiences. With that said, one of my defining traits is my business-oriented mindset, and that is the result of my studies in an IB Business course throughout the 11th/12th grades. This course holds a special significance to me as it helped me truly understand how the world works in a business sense: “why do companies choose to market their goods in a certain manner? How are consumers directly affected by corporate decisions?” As time went on, I became increasingly intrigued about this subject until I reached the epiphany that I wanted to pursue business in my post-high school career (beginning with college). During my studies in the IB and throughout high school in general, I became interested in the world of business. Gradually, I found this subject to be more and more fascinating and reached the …show more content…

One example of this would be my bi-weekly visits to either of my parents’ respective workplaces. During these visits, I usually sat down with my parent and acted as a consultant on a variety of corporate issues that he/she encountered. These issues ranged from determining the appropriate marketing mix to promote my mother’s company or choosing between which materials would best suit one of my dad’s company’s new ventures. In doing this, I learned the virtues of how to manage a business from two experienced businesspeople (my parents). In correlation, the knowledge that I accumulated during my regular visits greatly informed of the potential setbacks/limitations that one faces in everyday business, which has added another dimension to my critical

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