Brief Summary Of The Book 'Unbroken' By Louis Zamperini

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Unbroken is a book about a boy who grows up to be a very amazing man. As a boy Louis Zamperini would always get into trouble, but after a while his older brother help him change his life. How his older brother help him was by showing how to channel his anger and energy into running. Louis was a very fast runner. As he grew up he then qualified for the 1936 Olympics. Once World War Ⅱ had started Louis joined the military. While he is in his plane it is attacked and crashes he survives 47 days on a raft until the Japanese navy captures him. He was then sent to a POW camp. Louis comes a favorite target of the very cruel prison commander. Louis gets tortured by this man a lot. One day when Louis commander had everyone in the camp line up and punch

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