Brief Summary Of 'Looking For Alaska'

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Exposition- Looking for Alaska is about a boy named Miles Halter, a somewhat introverted kid who is fascinated by famous last words and tired of his boring life at home. He leaves and begins his first year as a junior at Culver Creek boarding school. He leaves everything behind in hopes of finding what the poet Francois Rabelais called the “Great Perhaps”. Chip, also known as “The Colonel” is Miles’ new roommate, and nicknames him “Pudge”. The Colonel introduces Pudge to his longtime friend, Alaska Young, a funny, screwed-up, clever, and super attractive girl whom Pudge starts developing feelings for. Rising action- Alaska plans a pre-prank on the Weekday Warriors. They hack a computer and tell all of the Weekday Warriors’ parents that their kids are failing classes. She also put blue hair dye in their shampoos. That night all the friends go to celebrate at their hideout, Alaska shares with them how she watched her mother die when she was very young and how her dad blamed her because she didn’t do anything. A few nights later Alaska and Pudge make out even though she has a boyfriend, and then she says that she’s tired but she promises “to be continued?” In the middle of the night Alaska starts freaking out and crying, she leaves campus in her car and Miles and the Colonel set off fireworks as a distraction while …show more content…

Although, the character I identify the most with is Miles. He wanted to move from his home town and start over somewhere else, somewhere more exciting, a place where no one really knew who he was and he could be whoever he wanted to be. Sometimes I feel like I want to do that too, to get up one day, go to a new place on some exciting adventure and start fresh. I’m also a super introverted person with some people and Miles is too. He’s only his true self when he’s with Chip and Alaska, or when he’s writing, and that’s basically how I

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