Brief Analysis Of Milkweed By Jerry Spinelli

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Milkweed is a novel by the author Jerry Spinelli and was published in 2003 by HarperCollins Publishers. The novel follows an innocent boy who gets called Stopthief, Misha, Jack or Poppynoodle throughout the book. The story takes place in Warsaw, Poland during World War II. Misha’s age is not given in the novel but by reading you can tell that he is somewhere around nine years of age. It is no doubt that Misha was not quite like most boys his age. Misha was small, curious and clueless of the world around him and by that time he had stopped growing. Misha had experienced horrible things. He had an astounding imagination and was often clueless of the situation he was in, some which we think benefited him in the war and helped him keeping the right …show more content…

It is for example shown by how easily he was attracted by the outward glamour of the Nazis without any real understanding of what they were attempting to accomplish. The shiny black boots worn by them blinded Misha to their real actions and made him wants to be one of them to have the boots. He did not really understand that they wanted to extinguish an entire race of people. When the Nazis parades were ongoing he wondered why no one was cheering or clapping. He looked at the Nazis and their boots and thought to himself that he wanted to be like them one day. He saw no difference in the Nazis and Jews at that time in his …show more content…

Following a lot of stealing and selling in the streets he had enough money to buy a plane ticket to America. America was a completely new environment for him and unlike everything he had witnessed. With an incompatible background, Misha did unfortunately not quite find himself in America. He had a hard time finding a job because of his strange behaviour and weird looks and was forced to begin stealing again. One arguably positive thing stood up in his behaviour and that was talking. Misha wandered the streets of Philadelphia talking about his story and background. Not all people were interested about his talking but one time a woman named Vivian stopped by and listened. Vivian listed for 5 minutes and then brought him roasted chestnuts. Vivian began stopping by every day and soon enough Misha and Vivian got married, but sadly it only lasts few months because of his unstable character. Years after the separation he realizes he has a daughter and a granddaughter, he finally has family. He is a grandfather of a girl who calls him Poppynoodle and for him this is a new identity given by a family member. Something he had lacked all his

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