Argumentative Argument On Breastfeeding

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Breastfeeding is proven as the ideal method for feeding babies. Nationwide, 76% of new moms choose to breastfeed and forgo formula feeding, but by three months post-partum that percentage has dropped drastically (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity 4). While breastfeeding is proven to reduce the risk of diarrhea, pneumonia, obesity, type-II diabetes, and improve results on intelligence tests (World Health Organization) many new moms abandon their goals of feeding babies for the recommended 2 years (World Health Organization) because of the discrimination received while nursing in public. Being viewed as a life choice, not a health choice, the general public ostracizes and alienates these women, arguing that modesty is more important than a baby’s right to eat. …show more content…

1), an unbelievable 40% say their biggest fear pertaining to breastfeeding is nursing in public (Lansinoh Laboratories Inc.). Pleading that nursing a baby is natural, multitudes of comments counter that argument, saying defecation, urination, and even sexual intercourse are natural as well, but they aren’t doing it in public. These types of comments are disadvantageous to breastfeeding success rates and are regulating women to restrooms, changing rooms, hot vehicles, and even homes, in response to having to feed their child. Dismantling arguments for modesty, a blanket term tossed around to validate all forms of intolerance, typically stemming from allegedly religious followers, to reclaiming breasts being seen only as sexual objects, and educating society on the benefits of breastfeeding and how it helps our country are the only way we can begin to provide all nursing mothers a chance to meet their breastfeeding

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