Braxton Hicks Contraction Case Study

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After reviewing and analyzing each patient scenario, the most challenging patient, is the patient Jasmine, experiencing contractions and increased heartburn in her third trimester. Consequently, requiring priority clinical attention and care.

Braxton Hicks contractions are described as tightening in the abdomen that comes and goes. These contractions do not get closer together, do not increase in how long they last or how often they occur and do not feel stronger over time, like real labor contractions. False labor contractions as it is commonly termed, often come with a change of position and stop with rest("False labor & pregnancy | Cleveland Clinic", 2017).

Even though Braxton Hicks contractions are expected early signs of uterine preparation for labor, some women may experience these type of contractions as a result of physiological triggers including increased physical activity, stress, full bladder, and dehydration. Therefore, a focused assessment would be appropriate to determine the cause of the contractions establish an accurate diagnosis, leading to efficient and evidence-based treatment("False labor & pregnancy | Cleveland Clinic", 2017). …show more content…

Moreover, I would encourage jasmine to increase the amount of fluid intake as dehydration has proven to be one of its primary causes. I would recommend her to drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water, juice, or milk per day to stay well hydrated, which can aid reduce the frequency and intensity of these contractions. Lastly, I would also advise this patient to employ some interventions, to help reduce her discomfort, including trying to have plenty of rest, practice yoga and breathing exercise that can lead to relaxation("False labor & pregnancy | Cleveland Clinic",

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