Brave New World Gender Analysis

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The men and women in Brave New World have very different roles in society. They are different not only based on sex, but also on location and the situation at hand. In situations or places of power, such as the workplace, men are represented as physiologically and mentally superior to women. This includes most situations in life. Women, however, do maintain a higher standing when relating to social roles. When it comes to sexual situations, they both seem to hold the same standing. In Brave New World, men are held in a higher standing than women in all situations, excluding the single category of social situations. Men are shown as superior to women all throughout the book by the way they act and by the way live. The book starts out showing that overall dominance. Although it may seem like a nuance, the tour at the Hatchery gives a slight view of how women are represented. This is because all of the students touring are males. The book starts out with this tour in order to show that women are restricted …show more content…

This is one place where power does not really affect the people. But although they are not considered complete dirt, women are not thought of as higher up than men. They are considered equal if anything. A prime example of this is with Lenina and Bernard. Their situation shows that when it comes to sexual relations, women are encouraged to explore their wildest creativities. Because of their recent fame, both Lenina and Bernard eagerly set out to have sex with as many people as they possibly can. Lenina did not have to ask Bernard or make sure it was ok. As soon as he decided the sleep around, she decided as well. This is the only situation where women have a decent amount of individuality and freedom. And they are not even considered higher up than men. They are just thought of as on the same level as

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