Booger And Lint Incident

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All day, Booger and Lint have been hearing weird noises coming from the floor. Not knowing what it was, they just ignored it thinking it was a minor earthquake. The first time they heard the weird noise was when they were at the gas station getting some milk, everyone ran franticly in shock and fear. But it seemed to stop so they went out to dinner. So they get to “Hairballs and Company” and they order the special, deep fried flies. But while they wait, they order some chips and earwacks for their appetizer. Just as they’re about to dig in, they hear the swooshing noise from before but it’s very quiet, but it keeps getting louder by the minute. They took a looked outside and saw the winds were picking up, they saw little chunks of confetti flying around all over the place. Houses were going down left and right, so everyone decided to run down to the basement into the freezer which was also a hurricane bunker. But everything started to fly away, Booger manage to stay on the ground but since Lint was so light he flew away with the rest of the restaurant. …show more content…

The wind had blown him into the jungle under the kitchen table. He had to find someone or at least a shelter. Thankfully you remembered that his friends Cheeto puffs an extra hot Cheeto move to the jungle when they got married. So he rolled over to his house and stayed there for the knight. The next day they found another scally wag and her name was Hairball, Lint instantly fell in love. After spending the week with each other they both figured out that they had a true love for each other. Lint had forgotten all about Booger, but he didn’t care anymore because him and Hairball have a better relationship than him and Booger ever had. They couldn't take her eyes off each other, with every moment they spent together they felt even more

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