Boo Radley's Diary Of A Vulnerable Man

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Once upon a time, there was a miserable man. He was miserable because nothing he had was of any good, as it seemed to him. He was healthy, but not strong or good looking enough. He had a job, but not well-paying enough. He had a home, but not big enough. He had a wife, but she could never sympathize with him. He had two kids, but both were foolish and disobedient. In short, life had given him nothing good, and he was truly miserable.
So miserable, indeed, was he that even God had to look down and take notice.
'What ails you, child?' He asked the miserable man.
'My life in itself is an ailment,' the man replied.
'Life is an opportunity, child, not an ailment. It is a chance given to you to acquire wisdom and create joy and happiness for yourself …show more content…

Bless me with perfect happiness, O Lord!' urged the man.
'That I cannot do, child. You have to bear the sorrows and travails that life has marked as your share,' said the Lord.
“Can't you at least make me perfectly happy for one month? If I am truly, perfectly happy even for one month, I will tolerate the rest of my miserable life. There would at least be the memories of my one perfect month to gladden my heart with,' said the miserable man.
'Your wish is granted. Go and find your true happiness.' So saying, God vanished from before the man's eyes.
That man's dreams and desires unfolded and his life acquired all the perfection he had ever desired.
But the month soon ended. And then God again appeared before the man and asked, 'So, child, have you found happiness? …show more content…

'You had a most wonderful gift in your hand, and yet you wasted it away because of your own foolishness. Go and live a month of misery now, and let that teach you a lesson,' said God before vanishing away.
Bitter days fell upon the man. His good health left him, and he became a cripple. And he found himself transported to the middle of a desert with no food or water. He wandered around looking for food, water and shelter from the hot sun. Hunger gnawed at his stomach and thirst burned his throat. Finally, his strength failed him and he fell down on the hot sand.
‘Forgive, forgive, O Lord,’ his heart cried out, though no words could come out of his mouth.
Just then a bird flew over him. It held in its beak a small pouch. As the bird flew over the miserable man, the pouch slipped from its beak and fell down right next to the man. He picked up the pouch and opened it. It contained a piece of bread, and a bottle of water. The man wasted not a moment. He gulped down the water and finished the bit of bread in a few moments.
‘Thank you, God!’ he cried out, ‘Thank you! Thank you! I’m so happy!’
God appeared before him once

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