Boo Radley Prejudice

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A prejudice is an opinion based on no actual reason or experience. Prejudice can be seen almost everyday and cannot be eliminated. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the author expresses acts of prejudice throughout the book. In the novel, children are shown making prejudice because their minds are much more imaginative and they have a different way of precepting things. In the novel, not only do the children make prejudice, adults do as well. In the story, Arthur Radley, better known as Boo Radley to Maycomb County, is seen as a villain who strictly brings fear and anger to the citizens of Maycomb. People made assumptions and prejudice on Boo Radley for being the centerpiece for crime committed in Maycomb. People walked around his house in fear of him. Miss Stephanie Crawford in particular made numerous rumors about Boo that spread throughout the county. On the contrary Boo can be seen as the exact opposite. The people judge him when he hasn’t even left his house in decades. They have no specific evidence or reason that can cause them to make assumptions other than the crime he committed when he was a foolish adolescent. Boo mended Jem’s jeans, gifted Scout and Jem with various items, and he also comforted Jem and Scout the night of the fire with a blanket. The children at first committed …show more content…

One way this is portrayed is the introduction of Charles Baker Harris who is known as Dill. When Dill arrived, Scout and Jem weren’t too impressed with Dill. Dill presented himself in a dull way. He talked about some of the abilities he was capable of and overall seemed unlike to the Finches. It wasn’t until later that the children formed a friendship once they got to know each other. This type of prejudice is seen all the time. People of all ages, ethnicities, and religions make this form of judgement in their everyday lives. In the novel, children portray this because that’s what kids are best

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