Boo Radley Courage

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Courage is the ability to do something that scares you. The theme courage is displayed in in the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, there are people in Maycomb county that show wonderful courage. Atticus, a wise parent of Jem and Scout Finch, He is well respected in the community by both blacks and whites. Boo Radley, stays inside all day, he brings Scout and Jem little gifts often. And, Jem the son of Atticus, he is very curious, and gets mad sometimes. Atticus’s definition of courage is helping and standing up for people as much as possible. Three people that meet that definition of courage are Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, and Jem Finch. The first person that meets Atticus’s definition of courage is himself, when he defends Tom Robinson in the Case between him and Bob Ewell. Tom is a poor black man, that is very respectful to all people. Every once in a while he will stop at Ms. Mayella’s house to do some work. During his time over there, Mayella tries to kiss him. Bob is not happy about this. Tom leaves and later gets accused of raping Ms. Mayella. In the trial the quote Atticus says “You know the truth, and the truth is: some Negroes lie, some Negroes are immoral, some Negro men are not to be trusted around woman- black …show more content…

Dubose. Mrs Dubose wants Jem to read to her since he messed up all her camellia bushes. Atticus finds this out and wants Jem to go have a talk with her. “Read out to her out loud for two hours. Atticus do I have to? Certainly. But she wants me to do it for a month. Then you’ll do it or a month” ( Lee 140) This lives up to Atticus’s definition of courage because Jem and Atticus are being thoughtful. When Atticus says Jem needs to go read to her, hes trying to make Jem in to a more courageful man. Jem could be skipping on reading to her and ditched even talking to her, but he knows what the right and wrong is, because that's what Atticus would

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