Bonnie And Clyde Research Paper

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Bonnie and Clyde are a very famous couple that completed many kidnappings, robberies, and murders from 1932 until 1934, the peak of the Great Depression when they died. Bonnie Parker was born in Rowena, Texas on October 1, 1910. Bonnie was just shy of 5 feet tall, weighing about 100 pounds. She was a part-time waitress and amateur poet from a poor home in Dallas, Texas. She was bored with life and wanted something more. When her father died in 1914, her mother moved the family back to Cement City, a suburb of west Dallas. She got married to Roy Thortan, who she dated throughout high school. Thornton was sentenced to prison in 1929. After he was sent to prison, Bonnie and Thortan never crossed paths again despite being legally married. Clyde Barrow was born in Ellis County, Texas on March 24, 1909. He was a fast-talking, small-time thief from a poor family, and wanted to make a name for himself. Their family …show more content…

Two guards were killed in the process. After this, the FBI started to take this case very seriously. Every clue was followed. They put out wanted notices, photographs, descriptions, and any other data that they could find on Bonnie and Clyde. They have been tracking them through many states. It was learned that Bonnie and Clyde had staged a party at Black Lake, Louisiana on the night of May 21, 1934, and would return to the area two days later. Before sunrise on May 23, 1934, a group of police officers hid in bushes along the highway near Sailes, Louisiana. In early daylight, Bonnie and Clyde appeared in a car and when they passed the bushes where the officers were hiding, the officers opened fire on them. Bonnie and Clyde were killed instantly. A total of 167 rounds were fired at the car, with 112 hitting it. More than 1/4th of the bullets fired hit Bonnie and Clyde, with Clyde being hit at least 17 times and Bonnie being hit at least 26

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