Blood In Macbeth Analysis

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Why does the word blood have the power to evoke multiple feelings? Can a taste for blood actually cause someone to go down a terrible path of power and corruption? Some people do not agree with this while others believe that having a taste for blood will cause the person’s mind to become corrupt in the long run. This desire can continue to grow to the point of having no control over it. Blood can symbolize life or family depending on the situation. It can also symbolize love, anger, hate, violence, devastation, or death. One small taste of blood is all it takes for everything to become chaotic. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the symbol of blood is sufficiently used in exhibiting the overall theme of power and corruption. The symbol of blood
For example in the third act, there are many internal and external struggles that Macbeth faces. An internal conflict is when Macbeth plans to kill Banquo and Fleance without the help of Lady Macbeth. Another illustration of an internal conflict is that Macbeth is actually scared of Banquo (Lee 1). Macbeth believes Banquo is fearless, which puts Macbeth at risk of losing the chance to become king. For example Macbeth says, “Tis much he dares” (3.1.50). He was becoming more power hungry. An example of an external struggle is when Macbeth hires three murderers to accomplish his plan to assassinate Banquo and Fleance. Macbeth is now taking matters into his own hands, which shows that he is starting to lose his morality. Another demonstration of Macbeth’s internal struggle is when he sees the ghost of Banquo sitting in his chair. Macbeth hosts a dinner, and Banquo says that he will attend. One of the murderers’ had blood on his face, and Macbeth made a comment about it. Even though Banquo is dead, he still manages to appear in front of Macbeth. The appearance of Banquo’s ghost shows that Macbeth’s conscience is disturbing him because of the horrible deeds he has done. Others around him think that he is going crazy, so Lady Macbeth tells them that he has been ill since childhood. All of these instances show that Macbeth’s mind is still continuing to decline
5). In act four, Macbeth talks to the three witches, and they direct him to three apparitions. Macbeth listens to these apparitions and witches because he so consumed with continuing to be king no matter what the costs may be. These costs include Macbeth killing a lot of people. He has taken so much blood at this point that he does not care about taking lives anymore. The prophecies are ultimately the truth according to Macbeth (Biggins par. 10). Then, in act five Macbeth’s mind becomes deteriorated and corrupted to the point of no return (Curran 2). He believes that life is meaningless, and it is just full of idiotic, senseless people running around. Eventually blood will have blood, so Macduff kills Macbeth in the end for all the horrible events that he caused. Lady Macbeth also dies in the end. Her guilty conscience ate her away until she was sleepwalking and sleep talking. A doctor came and listened to everything Lady Macbeth was saying. Lady Macbeth basically unknowingly admitted all of the crazy events that had happened to the doctor. The doctor also witnessed her trying to wash the blood off of her hands while she was sleepwalking. She could never remove the blood from her hands because the blood is a symbol of the corrupted events that she caused. All of the blood that was shed

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