Blessed Be Research Paper

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What comes to mind when I first hear or see the words, Blessed Be, is that the person stating them wishes blessings on someone or for another person to be blessed. The word blessed comes from the 12th century. It’s basic meaning is: supremely happy, delightful, holy, or consecrated. It’s root word bless comes from Old English bletsian, bledsian, and Northumbrian bloedsian which means to consecrate by a religious rite or word, make holy, or give thanks. Bloedsian has roots in the Proto-Germanic word blodison meaning to hallow with or to mark with blood, from blotham or blood which was originally a blood sprinkling on pagan altars. In bibles, the Latin benedicere and Greek eulogein were used to translate Hebrew brk which means to bend at the knee, worship, praise, or invoke divine care or blessings. The meaning shifted in Old English meaning to pronounce or make happy, prosperous, or fortunate. If we look solely at the simple definitions of the words, Blessed Be would simply mean to wish someone happiness, prosperity or good fortune. But we also need to look at how, when, and why the terms are used. We need to know what lies behind the words and their proper use so …show more content…

It is used to boost the power of the words or intent. In rituals, it is sometimes used in a call-response method, with an officiator or leader stating an action or part of the ritual and participants responding with Blessed Be or its abbreviation, BB. This gives the ritual an extra boost of power while still remaining true to the sacred meaning of the words. We use this method during school rituals at The Magical Circle School. Doing so allows the leader to know when to continue on to the next part of a ritual while, at the same time, invoking the power of the deity into the ritual and its participants. This makes the school rituals very intense and

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