Black Club Women Essay

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The early community work of Black Club women was not only hindered by the proponents of racism, gender inequality, slavery and thereafter segregation, but also by the deliberate attempt to ignore them from history and literature. Ida B. Wells, and Gerda Lerner were two of many Black women heroines that contributed to civil rights. Wells and Lerner significant work in the civil rights movement were recognized much later. Their legendary contributions as well as deliberate omission from historical literature will be the focus of discussion, as well as examples from the period in question, will be use to illustrate and react. Following the period after the civil war in the United States of America, there was a time of relative peace and stability, …show more content…

The purposes of the association were philanthropy, welfare as well as addressing the educational needs of the less fortunate in the black communities (Ibid, 1974). However, despite these early efforts, there was no recognition of the women’s contribution in the society and many early historians neglected mentioning their endeavors. Consequently, there is neither notice among historians of these noble efforts and struggles by the black women club movements, nor is there appreciation of the significant contributions they collectively made. In this regard, Lerner concurs with other writers in observing the unfair and unjust historical treatment of these black women club movements as well as their efforts and contributions to …show more content…

The Reconstruction period was a prosperous time for Black people, who took advantage of education. Black people became Shopkeepers, doctors, lawyers and statesmen, and some blacks emerged to middle-class society. But it took only a few years for the gains to be reversed in the South. Following the withdrawal of the federal army from the region in 1877, followed by a series of legislations that essentially took the black community back to slavery in the South. As Black people flourished, the white people revolt against them to keep them under control. Notable occurrences from the video which showed while black men seeking employment they were rounded up by the KKK and send off to pick cotton against their will. White men used lynching as a way to get rid of prominent black men and

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