Biblical Allusions In The Scarlet Letter Essay

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Bianca Adamo 10000585609 Professor. Date In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne recites many biblical allusions when explaining the human demeanor of Hester Prynne and the Puritan community she lives in. Hester gives birth to an illegitimate daughter whom she names Pearl. A “pearl of great price”, a reference made to the Biblical Gospel of Matthew. The ‘pearl of great price”, is one that a merchantman sold all his belongings for in the pursuit of purchasing this expensive pearl. This is the initial introduction of Pearl, as the true unlawful daughter of an adulterer. The imagery Hawthorne gives early on in Pearls life is a testament to what Hester must give up to give birth to her. Hester’s reputation, community and religion; she must …show more content…

It is also a preface into the symbolism that Pearl embodies. She, in most scenes of the book, acts less like a human and more like a symbol. Pearl is a symbol of sin, a symbol of unity and moreover, a symbol of the conscience. Pearl is an emblem to the Puritan settlement that ultimately frees her parents from shame due to the symbolic nature Hawthorne provides as Pearls characteristics. Hester and Dimmesdale are overcome with shame due to the bearing of their adulterous love child Pearl. Pearl Prynne is symbolically representing her parents sins in the flesh. Everyday she is a living reminder to Hester of her passionate, or in the Puritans view, sinful tendencies. She lives as a mark on Hester’s life; much like the scarlet A she bears across her chest. The community that Hester lives in does not separate religion from state and every act that is done in passion, is done of sin; sin that will be punished for the whole settlement to see. Pearl is the reminder of Hester’s loss of religion and depiction of her sin, much like the scarlet A. The symbolic parallel between the Scarlet A and Pearl goes so far as Hester contemplating holding Pearl in front of her Scarlet A on the first scaffold scene. Hester decides that, "one token of her shame would but poorly serve to hide …show more content…

Initially she is the symbol of alliance that both Dimmesdale and Hester share. “Pearl was the oneness of their [Hester and Dimmesdales] being. Be the foregone evil what it might, how could they doubt that their earthly lives and future destinies were conjoined”. Pearl defines the unity that both Hester and Dimmesdale share. Their passion led them to create Pearl and although she is a constant reminding symbol of the sin they acted in, she is made up genetically both parents intertwined much like their destinies proving that, as much as Dimmesdale might not want to admit, Hester and himself are tied in unity because of Pearl. Pearl also acts as a union between human and nature. Hester‘s home in the forest, symbolizes her retreat from man to nature; this is where Pearl learns her connection with nature and the unity she represents. In the scenes where Pearl in enveloped in the forest, she seems persuaded by the natural surroundings to become one with it. When Pearl stands on one side of the brook, Hester and Dimmesdale beckon her to the other side, Pearl is taken over by the light the forest provides and for an instant feels at home with nature. Pearl manifests the

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