Betsy Fry: The Angel Of The British Prison System

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Social services emerged in Britain during the early 1800’s. Betsy Fry was the main contributor to social service accomplishment. She brought up by a Quaker family, and they strongly believed in equality and charity. She was involved in various philanthropic events and developed a small school for poor children at the age of only 17. According to Jan Steyaert (2013), many often referred to her as “the angel of the prisons” because of her achievements in the reform of the British Prison system. In 1813, when she first visited the Newgate Prison,she was shocked at how they treated the prisoners. At the time, many prisoners ranged from children to adults and ethical rules were not reinforced. She became the first reformer who …show more content…

As the role of social work expanded,a strand of health care social work was created. Health care social workers, primarily focus on helping a patient through a certain sickness or illness they may have. Although social work and health care social work shares similar skill sets, health care social workers work closely with doctors and healthcare professionals. They help with public health, acute, and chronic care settings, providing a range of services such as health education, crisis intervention, supportive counseling, and case management (NASW, 2005). Many are trained to respond to global and national incidents that help patients prepare and respond to traumatic events and circumstances. Sets of rules in any occupation is reinforced. For social workers, they have the Code of Ethics which was established by the National Social Work Association. The rules are guidelines for the worker and the patient. There are six main purposes the Code Ethics strives to maintain relating to core values and mission which are service, social justice,dignity and worth of one person, importance of human relationships, integrity and competence. (NASW, 2008). It is important to follow and understand these code ethics because it establishes the proper work environment for both positions to benefit …show more content…

(Levine, 2010) By learning to use certain skills and techniques during a specific time is important to the patient because many techniques may be time sensitive. Knowing when to apply which skills timely would be advantageous because he/she can tackle the issues of the patient and acquire the knowledge to develop attainable goals. When working specifically with cancer patients, a worker has to understand their stage of cancer, their background, and their knowledge about cancer, in order to help the patient properly. Approaching a patient who has cancer can be a difficult process for many therefore workers will have to be sensitive in the way they approach each individual's issues. They also have to take into account that every person is individualized and make sure no bias or assumptions are made especially when their patients are dealing with different stages of cancer. In this occupation, stressing the importance of time is beneficial specifically for cancer patient due to the critical degree of their illness. For example one patient might not vent their feelings about their illness right away and understanding their personality of how they accept the illness should trigger a clue for a worker to not push any questions on the topic until further

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