Bernie Madoff Essay

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Bernard Madoff, self-made billionaire and public enemy. Bernie was a charismatic man who was once revered as an amazing stock broker. Once you gave him money to invest he assured his clients that their investment would grow about 1% every month. His family wasn’t one of admiration, his father a plumber and his mother a failed broker-dealer. His mother and father both started business but each failed. Having seen this Bernie said: "You watch that happen and you see your father, who you idolize, build a big business and then lose everything”, referencing his father’s sporting goods stores which failed after the steel shortage during the Korean War. This left a lasting impression on Bernie and he was determined to achieve the lasting success …show more content…

Madoff’s business model was the massive Ponzi Scheme orchestrated by himself. His funds came from a simple yet effective scam, Madoff used the money of new investors to pay the promised return of previous investors. Bernie Madoff’s mark on the economy was not a good one at all. Coming from a struggling family he was consumed by his greed and his success this can be seen by his comments that everyone should’ve known better. Bernie’s willful dismissal of the effects of the crimes brings insight into what kind of man he is. Many in the United States were brought to ruin overnight by a unsympathetic man who blames the investors for their sudden crash. Although illegal and morally wrong Madoff’s crime could only be executed with a certain level sophistication. What made Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme so successful was how atypical the model for it was. The Ponzi scheme usually consisted of a charismatic and witty man trying to persuade you into investing with them, but Madoff made investors feel brilliant he made them feel like they were geniuses for investing with him. If too many questions were asked Bernie would simply say the fund was closed. Madoff’s mistakes were simply and could easily be avoided, besides the obvious criminal actions, Bernie trusted entrusted his family which turned him in. The major set piece in all of this would be Bernard Madoff’s thirst for success and his craving of greed. Bernie’s cold heartedness can be seen through one of his quotes describing jail “It’s actually very pretty. More like a college campus. Everything is provided for you.” Other of his quotes include “In today's regulatory environment, it's virtually impossible to violate rules” and “Today, basically, on Wall Street, the big money is made by taking risks” These prove to be ironic as both show a contradiction between his mentality and his actions. Along with these come views on the government, “The whole government is a Ponzi scheme”. Finally my personal favorite, “Wall

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