Benefits Of The DREAM Act

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President Obama said, "We should stop punishing innocent young people for the actions of their parents by denying them the chance to stay here and earn an education and contribute their talents to build the country where they 've grown up." Currently there are about 12 million U.S. illegal residents, many of them children (Dream On). The young children continue to grow up in a nation they call their home and at heart become true Americans. The DREAM Act would give the chance to a select youth to gain legal resident status. The DREAM Act or Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, should be a federally approved law. The DREAM Act would help the American economy. It is no secret the toll the United States takes from illegal immigrants …show more content…

Children who at a young age came to this country, some without a single clue of what was happening to their lives now face the consequences of being illegals. The DREAM act would not be a reward, it would be a chance, a privilege, to become an active member of society. The opportunity to better themselves by either attending at least two years of college or enlisting in the armed forces to obtain legal status(Fitz). Fitz stated, "More importantly, the alternative of removing the 700,000 eligible kids would cost taxpayers $16.2 billion over five years." The cost to attempt to remove the large amount of illegals is very high. In reality, the country would be better benefitted by granting them a legal …show more content…

born students (Malkin). However, the whole reason the DREAM act should be federally passed is so that the thousand of illegals gain the opportunity to achieve more in life legally. The act will not provide extra advantages over U.S. students but instead enhance their opportunity towards higher education for those who desire it. For example, Larissa Martinez, high school valedictorian will receive a full scholarship to Yale her illegal status never stopped her from believing in herself. Martinez stated "Often my intelligence was questioned due to my background." Therefore, Larissa Martinez is one example of what hard work with lots dedication can

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