Being Tough In Scout's Honor

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“Being Tough” “Scout’s Honor” by Avi is a realistic fiction story about three nine year old boys who want to get past tenderfoot level in Boy Scouts. To get past tenderfoot level they must go on a overnight camping trip. The main character asks his scoutmaster where some good camping ground is They live in New York and don’t have any good camping ground near their house. Scoutmaster Brenkman suggested A park in New Jersey. The boys make a plan to meet up at the subway station first thing tomorrow morning. The boys eventually get to their destination, but they have to walk from there. After the boys get to there final destination all three of the boys should not have done this. The three boys struggled with being tough. Max does not want to admit that he is not tough. ,for example, when the three boys were at the subway station on their way to go camping, Max hopped on a train and the doors closed. His buddies told him to wait at the next station. When his friends got there Max had streaks running down his face. Max claimed that there was a leak, when he was really crying. Another time was in paragraph 72 Max said “There might not be an end to the bridge.” His friends protested but Max truly was scared. Max tries to look as tough as he possibly can in front of his friends. In paragraph 3 Max said that he had been ready for years to go on this camping trip. But he wasn't ready from the start Of the camping trip. This proves that Max hadn’t been ready. …show more content…

Horse also gets insecure very easily. A reason how I can prove this is when they had finally made it to the camping ground. For example in paragraph 58 horse was complaining that he was hungry. Max told Horse that people used to open cans with their teeth. Horse balled up his fists and said ”you sayin my teeth aren't strong”Horse snapped. Horse gets way too sensitive when someone is threatening him. This proves that Horse was not ready to go on this camping

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