Being Skinny Persuasive Essay

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Most women have been through that ‘weight loss phase”, where they spend tons of time effort and even money trying to lose weight. Being skinny was in and celebrity models like Kate Moss were plastered all over the television screen. Everyone wanted to be skinnier that a rail. Not today, woman now are more comfortable with their body and shape. They can take pride in the curves and contours.

Curves are in!, They can make a girl more attractive and look more feminine. Just as with any fad the models and celebrities have set the trend. Singers like Nicki Minaj and models such as Kim Kardashian have lead the way for thicker, full figure woman.

So, how do you get started and achieve that great curvey body? Sometimes its not as easy as just eating a ton of junk food. After all, you don't just want to gain weight, you want the weight in all the right places. It may come easy for some girls, eat a cheeseburger and the fat goes right to the hips. For others, it might not be so direct. The fat collects around the waist and belly, they don't seem to really gain around the hips, butt and thighs. Even worse, girls like me with a really fast metabolism don't seem to gain weight at all. To be completely honest, if i did gain any weight, it always went to my belly. …show more content…

I have found and tried out a great system for getting a bigger butt, wider hips and just more girly curves. After about a month of following along and taking all the advice from the guides. I have managed to finally see

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