Being Separate

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Being separate and being separated are part and parcel of human existence, even in ongoing relationships. For being separated, consider the physical distance when a child goes away to school, a friend moves to another state, a husband or wife goes on a business trip. The pain of being separated range from a minor inconvenience that is temporary to invoking hurting memories of an unfulfilled childhood. The quality and content of thoughts and feelings about being separated can magnify the perspective of the people involved. Being separate can be a healthy way to recognize healthy boundaries for relationships. Yet, with our social nature, humans need a sense of belonging and connectedness to others. This is especially true for those involved …show more content…

Many famous thinkers, from Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and many others, teach that what you believe and think will have a profound effect on your life. "You become what you think about" is a truth validated by decades of experience. Many scientists today believe that repeated thoughts produce electrochemical charges that create physical "circuitry" pathways in the brain. To keep thinking the same thoughts over and over wears a channel so that the same thoughts become habitual patterns. This is great if the thoughts are wholesome and life-giving, but can be harmful with destructive, negative thinking. Negative Thinking Destroys Many Relationships Renowned psychologists have dedicated their lives to understanding what destroys marriages, families, friendships and communities. A common discovery is that harsh thoughts which criticize, condemn, and minimize others are major causes to the decline of happiness in relationships. The statistics are startling: 40-to-50 % of marriages fail; domestic violence is prevalent; families are threatened by drugs, alcohol, and apathy. Headline stories in newspapers and the evening news expose gory details about crime, unrest and social anxiety. But it does not have to be that way. In fact, you can have very positive, fulfilling

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