Being Busy Than Being Bored Research Paper

626 Words2 Pages

Siddhi Shah
Being busy is better than being bored. Or that’s what it seems like to every American living in the 21st century. Conversations remain in endless small-talk, thoughts and actions become controlled by electronic notifications and ring tones, and life simply feels like checking tasks off of jam-packed agendas. Everyone’s inner drill sergeant seems to be hastening to conquer his or her overcommitted schedules. To many individuals, no matter how many ways they divide their time and attention, no matter how many duties they try and multi-task, there never seems to be enough time in a day to ever catch up. The default response to how one has been doing becomes “Busy!” “Crazy Busy.” “No time.” But the most absurd news is that such a lifestyle is perceived to be a kind of congratulation or boast, rather than a grievance. People want to be busy, as exhausting as it can get. …show more content…

Yet, we have no more “free” or leisurely time today than we did decades ago. Students fill their day with community service, take part in educational clubs, and spend hours studying to boost their GPA because it looks good on college applications. Adults voluntarily take back-to-back shifts and overload on work and obligations. Why? Because they feel anxious and guilty when they aren’t working or doing something to promote their work. Furthermore, even the idea of telling others that they are busy these days seems to make people feel more important or sought-after. Not only is this mindset spiritually destructive and emotionally draining to one’s wellbeing, it saps our ability to be fully present with those we love the most in our families, and keeps us from forming the kind of community that we all so desperately

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