Bee Bees Case Study

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The Disappearing Bees Dilemma
People from all over the world, from every walk of life, regardless of color, age, gender or religious beliefs all have one thing in common, that is to consume food in order to survive. Many places around the world have food scares yet America has access to a lavish selection of crops to choose from. The most nutritious part of any human’s diet is a result of insect pollination. In such manner, pesticide use is causing honey bee colony collapse disorder putting their existence in grave danger and posing major food source shortages.
Let’s say for instance, one day a person goes to fetch an apple from the kitchen and they notice there was not one. A simple trip to the local grocery store to buy some would be the …show more content…

Crazy as this might sound, how about if apples no longer existed? This seems far-fetched because apples are always available in ways such as shopping at a grocery store or hand picking from a tree in a yard. But with honey bees missing so are apples. The analogy of the unavailable apple simply means… “an un-pollinated flower won’t develop into an apple at all.” (Mader 1) The pollinators are the reason you are able to enjoy many fruits, nuts, vegetables, beans to name a few. “This apple is at the heart of why you should care about pollinator conservation.” (1). Insecticides kill pollinators directly along with the flowering plants that supply bees with pollen and nectar. …show more content…

The studies will continue to prove that the use of pesticides are dangerous for people, places and pollinators all over the world. The Colony Collapse disorder should be a high priority for everyone. Hold the big corporations accountable such as Bayer for the damage their products create all for profit. They will find ways to keep pushing the use of pesticides that continue wrecking a bee’s immune system. “Neonicotinoids affect insect’s central nervous system in ways that are cumulative and irreversible” (Mercola par.4) Bayer’s good intentions to enhance the amount of crops needed to be produced, but the end result has detrimental consequences on the honey bee’s

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