Becoming Jehovah's Witness

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Becoming a Jehovah’s Witness and dedicating my life to serve Jehovah my God fulltime was not a decision I took lightly. Becoming a baptized Jehovah’s Witness is a life long dedication where you vow to serve Jehovah and remain faithful to him for the rest of your life. Many people in other religions get baptized when they are babies but that is not what the bible says we should do. I researched the bible and it says we must have full understanding of what God requires of us and make a decision to live a clean life and follow Jesus footsteps closely. It was not something I could do as a baby because I did not have the maturity or understanding to make such a weighty decision. I will let you know what steps I took to become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. …show more content…

I read that in order to get baptized I needed to have a close personal relationship with Jehovah God. That involves heartfelt prayer daily and reading and meditating on the bible and living my life as closely by the bible as I can possible do. I also needed to make sure I was taking a full share in the preaching and teaching work that is outlined in the bible. This also had to be my own personal decision, not something my parents wanted me to do. I also needed to have accurate knowledge of the bible and what it teaches. The bible also taught me I needed to pray to ask for Gods Holy Spirit in my dedication. I also needed to repent from any wrong doing and turn around from my previous life

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